
Prostatitis are widely spread among men

YEREVAN. - Cases of male sterility have become more frequent among Armenian men and have been registered among younger people, urologist Gevorg Grigoryan told Armenian

Prostatitis, sexually transmitted disease, inflammatory processes are widely spread among men. This is basically caused by sedentary work, accidental sexual contacts, irregular sex life, drug use, the doctor said.
“We are concerned about the fact that men consult a doctor later than it is needed. Bad social conditions are not the only reason. The main reason is Armenian mentality, each Armenian, especially young man, considers himself a ‘macho’,” he said.
According to him, majority of Armenian people have “medieval” knowledge about sexual health. People usually think that the pain will pass in one-two days and do not hurry to consult a doctor.
“If the patient consults a doctor too late it may lead to a surgery,” he added. The doctor claims men having sexual problems are embarrassed to consult a doctor. Gevorg Grigoryan recalled some cases when men were brought to doctor by their relatives.
He stressed that the best solution to this problem is internet, therefore a group of urologists opened website to provide the patients with necessary information. The expert considers the website would raise awareness of men’s problems and would improve the situation.

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