
$25 Off Due to Slow Delivery of Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill 2022-05-12

At present, affected by the domestic and global epidemic, the logistics is seriously affected, resulting in the delay of delivery. We apologize for the inconvenience. Therefore, we will launch the following promotions to thank you for your…

Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill: The Best Gift for Christmas is Health 2021-12-21

Christmas Dayis coming this year. Santa told usthat the best gift to thefamily members is health. Wuhan Dr.Lees TCM Clinic, Santa Claus this time, is sending Christmas gifts to all customers. 1. Time:2021.12.20- 2021.12.31 2. Content:All cu…

Early Prevention and Treatment can Reduce Prostatitis Patients' Psychological Burden 2021-08-19

To reduce the male psychological burden on prostate diseases, it is necessary for the public to scientifically understand and distinguish prostate diseases, seek formal treatment methods, and make early diagnosis and treatment.…

Three Stages And Countermeasures Of Prostatitis Therapy 2021-04-27

Prostatitis progresses slowly from acute type to chronic type, and a lot of patients in the struggle with it constantly fail, forming a stalemate in which chronic prostatitis being hard to heal.…

Why Do You Need To Exercise More? 2021-03-30

Exercise is a form of discipline involving human beings committing to a certain lifestyle and set of boundaries. As you know, the importance is down to the truth that creatures thrive by exercise , which is no exception for patients with ch…

Breakthrough discovery to transform prostate cancer treatment 2021-01-28

A novel formulation of the prostate cancer drug abiraterone acetate -- currently marketed as Zytiga -- will dramatically improve the quality of life for people suffering from prostate cancer, as pre-clinical trials by the University of Sout…

Prostate cancer: immunotherapy offers hope 2021-01-28

An antibody for treating advanced prostate cancer improves progression-free survival in patients with metastasised, castration-resistant prostate cancer. This is the finding of the long-term analyses of an international phase 3 clinical tri…

Prostate cancer incidence and mortality have declined in most countries 2021-01-28

Prostate cancer incidence and mortality rates are decreasing or stabilizing in most parts of the world, with the United States recording the biggest drop in incidence, according to results presented at the AACR Annual Meeting 2019, March 29…

Protein that hinders advancement of prostate cancer identified 2021-01-28

Researchers at Boston University School of Medicine (BUSM) have discovered that blocking a specific protein, may be a promising strategy to prevent the spread of castration-resistant prostate cancer (CRPC). Under the direction of BUSM's Ger…

Mathematical model predicts patient outcomes to adaptive therapy 2021-01-28

Researchers provide a closer look at a mathematical model and data showing that individual patient alterations in the prostate-specific antigen (PSA) biomarker early in cancer treatment can predict outcomes to later treatment cycles of adap…