
Large, long-term study suggests link between eating mushrooms and a lower risk of prostate cancer 2021-01-28

Results from the first long-term cohort study of more than 36,000 Japanese men over decades suggest an association between eating mushrooms and a lower risk of prostate cancer. Their findings were published on September 5, 2019 in the Inter…

Reducing the side-effects of prostate hormone therapy with exercise 2021-01-28

A prescription of short-term exercise for patients with advanced prostate cancer could help to reduce the side-effects of hormone therapy, according to new research from the University of East Anglia. Researchers from the Norfolk and Norwic…

Cerenkov luminescence imaging identifies surgical margin status in radical prostatectomy 2021-01-28

A new intraoperative imaging technique, Cerenkov luminescence imaging (CLI), can accurately assess surgical margins during radical prostatectomy, according to a first-in-human research published in the October issue of the Journal of Nuclea…

When you're sick, the support you'll get may depend on the"worth"of your disease 2021-01-28

The name of an illness can affect the level of care a person receives. Cancer sufferers experiencing fear and uncertainty may have access to cancer care centres. Donations and bequests enable these centres to offer everything from accessibl…

Surgery isn’t the only option for prostate cancer yet many men aren’t offered others 2021-01-28

Australian men with a recent diagnosis of prostate cancer that require active treatment, as opposed to careful monitoring, are often not given all the options available to them. This means not all men are getting the necessary information a…

Four reasons I won’t have a prostate cancer blood test 2021-01-28

Cancer Council Australia and the Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia yesterday released new draft guidelines to help GPs counsel men who ask about prostate cancer tests. They advise GPs to explain the pros and cons of testing and, if th…

Drug-resistant cancers kill millions – here’s how we’re tackling them 2021-01-28

Cancer treatment is often highly effective at first, yet patients tumours sometimes stop responding even to the most advanced therapies. Or in cases where the patient has gone into remission and the cancer has apparently been thwarted, it r…

Movember shavedown: Why you should not get your prostate checked 2021-01-28

As Movember comes to a close, and men flaunt or shave the facial hair they have grown, there is something people should know prostate cancer screening is ineffective and can do more harm than good. Movember is a global charity that raises m…

Klinefelter’s syndrome: being unable to produce testosterone has serious implications for men 2021-01-28

Klinefelters syndrome is a genetic disorder that affects approximately one in 450 males. Each cell in the human body has 23 pairs of chromosomes. The sex chromosomes in a female are XX, and XY in men. Typically, men have 46 chromosomes with…

Prostate Cancer Foundation Young Investigator Awards 2021-01-28

The Prostate Cancer Foundation (PCF) today announced the funding of 21 new Young Investigator Awards at 17 leading cancer centers in the U.S. and Canada. Designed to encourage the most innovative minds in cancer research to focus their care…