Radical Cure Article

Who Risk for Prostatitis

Prostatitis is an inflammation of the prostate gland, in men. A prostatitis diagnosis is assigned at 8% of all urologist and 1% of all primary care physician visits in the United States.

At one time, prostatitis was believed to be a sexually transmitted disease, but more recent research suggests that only a small number of cases are passed on through sex.

Certain conditions and medical procedures increase the risk of developing prostatitis. You are at higher risk for getting prostatitis if you:

1. Recently have had a medical instrument, such as a urinary catheter (a soft, lubricated tube used to drain urine from the bladder) inserted during a medical procedure
2. Engage in rectal intercourse
3. Have an abnormal urinary tract
4. Have had a recent bladder infection
5. Have an enlarged prostate

Other causes may include autoimmune disease (an abnormal reaction of the body to the prostate tissue).        

By avoiding from above factors, prostatitis can also be prevented in the following ways:

1.Practice good hygiene. Wash your penis regularly and well and make sure to rinse off all soap when you are finished.
2.Stay hydrated. Regular urination will keep your urethra clear and any bothersome bacteria to a minimum. Drink at least 8 glasses of water each day. If this is not enough to cause regular urination, increase your intake.
3.Do not hold your urine too long. Once you sense the urge to urinate, if at all possible find a restroom and relieve the urge. Holding urine too long can harbor bacteria and irritate your urinary tract.
4.Avoid catheters. These will irritate the urinary tract and increase the exposure of the area to outside bacteria. If you are bedridden or hospitalized, try to use a bedpan if at all possible.
5.Use a condom whenever you have sex unless you are in a long-term monogamous relationship and your partner has been tested for STDs. Acquiring an STD increases your risk of prostatitis.
6.Take care when riding a bicycle or horse. Injury from these activities can lead to prostatitis.
7.Remain alert for early signs of a urinary tract infection. Early treatment of urinary tract infections can prevent these infections from leading to prostatitis.


Once you have a prostatitis, you need to take valid and prompt treatment of prostatitis. Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill cures prostatitis effectively in about three months. As a traditional Chinese medicine, it has more advantage than western medicines especially antibiotics. No side effect or drug resistance will be exist with the treatment.


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    Pre:Medical Tests and treatment for Prostate Problems

    Next:Mycoplasma Infection in the Prostate

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