Causes of BPH
BPH is a common part of aging. Risk factors for the development of BPH are poorly understood. Many researchers believe it is linked to aging and it may be linked to the growth of the testicles. Men who have had their testicles removed at a young age because of cancer, for instance -- do not develop BPH. Similarly, if the testicles are removed after a man develops BPH, the prostate begins to shrink in size. No risk factors have been identified other than having normally functioning testicles.
However, BPH occurs in nearly all men over time, as long as they have testes. About 50% of men who are 50 have evidence of microscopic enlargement of the prostate gland, and at least 30% of men require treatment by the time they reach 70 years of age.
Prevention of BPH
The urination problems caused by benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH)cannot be prevented. Some people believe that regular ejaculations will help prevent prostate enlargement. But there is no scientific proof that ejaculation helps.
However, there are some small tips which are good for the prostate.
1. Keep warm. In the beginning of spring and the end of autumn, the weather often changes. Keep warm during these period and if it is cold.
2. No alcohol. Drinking alcohol would lead to hyperaemia in prostate and vesical neck, which would cause uroschesis.
3. Less spicy food. Spicy food are irritant, they would cause hyperaemia and aggravate the symptoms of hemorrhoids and astriction. As a result, the prostate is under pressure.
4. Do not hold back urine. Holding back urine make the tension of detrusor of bladder decrease, and it would lead to uroschesis.
5. Do not strain. Overwork would hurt the Qi in our bodies, so some organs would be weaker.
6. Do not sit for a long time. Sitting for a long time would make haemorrhoids aggravate, and lead to hyperaemia of perineum area. As a result, urinate problem occurs. Take regular exercises are good for health.
7. Moderately drink water. Drink little water not only lead to dehydration, but also is bad for the wash of urinary tract. Drink more water in days and less water in nights so that the bladder wouldn't be overfilled while sleeping.
8. Take meds with caution. Some meds would aggravate urinate problems, and even causes acute uroschesis, such as Atropine, Belladonna, Ephedrine, Isopropylnoradrenaline and so on. In recent years, it is found that Calcium Channel Blockers and Verapamil can increase the secretion of PRL and decrease the tension of detrusor of bladder, aggravate urinate problems.
9. Take prompt treatment. Prompt treatment of prostate disease decrease the difficulties in the treatment.
10. Have moderate sex. Having moderate sex is good for health, but coitus interruptus, which should be alerted, is rather bad.