Radical Cure Article

Digital rectal exam for prostatitis, BPH and prostate cancer

Prostatitis is an infection or inflammation of the prostate gland that may cause many symptoms, including difficulty or painful urination, frequent urination, inability to get an erection as well as decreased interest in sex.

The BPH, on the other hand, is a noncancerous enlargement of the prostate gland and can cause impediment in the flow of urine from the bladder and other symptoms similar to prostatitis.
While prostatitis, prostate enlargement and even prostate cancer may not exhibit any symptoms in its early stages these problems may be detected by a digital rectal exam (DRE), which is the simplest and most widely performed screening procedure.
“Although most men find the DRE embarrassing and unpleasant, it is very necessary. We should realize that prostate cancer is the 4th most common cancer with about 4,000 new cases detected every year as well as the 4th leading cause of death among elderly Filipino males,” said urologist Clayton Blas of the Philippine Urological Association.
During the examination, the doctor gently puts a lubricated, gloved finger of one hand into the rectum. He or she may use the other hand to press on the lower belly or pelvic area.
“What we are most worried about is prostate cancer as this is the most common cancer in men killing one almost every 19 minutes (some 300,000 men around the world are diagnosed to have it every year). If your family has a history of prostate cancer or that one of your male family members have persistent urinary symptoms—always waking up through the night to urinate, having to wait for the flow of urine to begin as well as an urgent need to urinate—better convince him to visit a urologist as soon as possible,” Blas suggested.

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