Prostate problem and prostatitis
The prostate is a doughnut-shaped male sex gland, positioned beneath the urinary bladder. It encircles the urinary outlet, or urethra. Construction of the muscles in the prostate squeeze fluid from the prostate into the urethral tract during ejaculation. Prostatic fluid makes up the bulk semen.
The prostate is the most common site of disorders in the male genitourinary system. Generally speaking, there are three conditions that can cause problems with the prostate: prostatitis, which is the inflammation of the prostate, benign Prostatic hypertrophy (BPH), which is an enlarged prostate with no signs of cancer, and prostate cancer.
Prostatitis, common in men of all ages, is the inflammation of the prostate gland. The usual cause in infectious bacteria that invade the prostate from another area of the body. Hormonal changes associated with aging may also be a cause. The inflammation can result in urine retention. This causes the bladder to become distended, weak, tender and itself susceptible to infection. Infection in the bladder is in turn easily transmitted up the ureters to the kidneys. Treatment for the acute and chronic form of prostatitis may differ considerably.
The use of condoms to prevent the spread of sexually transmitted disease is a must. Consult your doctors for prompt treatment for urinary tract infections. Over-the-counter analgesics may be taken as necessary to reduce pain and fever. If the prostate has become abscessed, surgical drainage is needed. Stress reduction techniques may be advised to help patients manage nonbacterial chronic prostatitis. Caffeinated and alcoholic beverages should be avoided until a symptom subsides, because the diuretic effect of these drinks increases urinary frequency. Over-the-counter analgesics may be taken as necessary to reduce pain and fever. Hospitalization is often necessary to treat acute prostatitis. Intravenous antibiotics are given for bacterial infections, and a urinary catheter may be required to permit urination. Oral antibiotics are prescribed to treat acute prostatitis and Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill treat chronic prostatitis.
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