Radical Cure Article

How do you know there is a problem with the prostate?

How do you know there is a problem with the prostate?

A prostate problem can make you very uncomfortable and can be quite stressful. You may not be able to sleep through the night because you have to make frequent trips to the bathroom. When you try to urinate, you may have trouble starting, taking a long time to finish urinating, experience a burning sensation, have a weak urine flow, or have difficulty emptying your bladder completely. Other symptoms include blood in urine, pain when passing urine or ejaculating, blood in urine or semen and lower back pain. Some men have no symptoms at all. This is most common with early prostate cancer, but when the cancer advances, problems often begin suddenly.
How are prostate problems diagnosed?
Your doctor will choose from the basic diagnostic tests:
• Urinalysis- an analysis of a urine sample
• A medical history and physical examination
• Digital rectal examination- to feel the size and texture of the prostate.
• Blood tests. Blood tests for prostate cancer measure levels of prostate- specific antigen (PSA). All men have PSA in their blood, but those with prostate cancer have more.
• Biopsy (taking and studying a sample) of prostate tissue.
• X rays.
More specific tests can be done depending on the type of problem your doctor suspects.
How are prostate problems treated?
After studying the results of your tests, your doctor will discuss your treatment options with you.
1. For a prostate infection, your doctor may prescribe antibiotics and for an inflammation, you may be prescribed anti-inflammatory medications or muscle relaxants.
2. For enlarged prostate, depending on how much your symptoms are bothering you and whether or not your kidneys are being affected, you may be able to manage your condition without medications or surgery. Try urinating as soon as you feel the urge. Avoid drinking too much liquid at one time, and before going to bed. Keep in mind that coffee, tea, and alcohol can also make you urinate often. If symptoms worsen, your doctor may recommend surgery to relieve the obstruction. Or, depending on your general health and type of obstruction, your doctor may suggest nonsurgical treatments to relax your muscles, shrink your prostate, or push prostate tissue away from your urethra.
3. If cancer is suspected, your doctor may recommend additional tests to confirm the diagnosis and determine the best course of treatment. When prostate cancer is diagnosed in its early stages, chances for a cure are excellent. If detected in its later stages, cancer can usually be controlled. Treatment for prostate cancer works best when the disease is found early.

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