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The most common symptoms of prostatitis

Prostatitis can cause a wide variety of symptoms depending on the type of prostatitis and how long it has been present.

The most common symptoms have to do with problems with urination. Problems with ejaculation are also quite common.
The fact that problems with urination and ejaculation are common makes sense, given that both urine and semen pass through the prostate as they travel out of the body. Inflammation in the prostate results in difficulties with the passage of either of these fluids.
The most common urinary symptoms of prostatitis are:
Painful urination – specifically a burning sensation
Urinary urgency – experiencing an urge to urinate immediately
Urinary hesitancy – dribbling or difficulty starting the urine stream
Urinary frequency – needing to urinate more often than usual
Nocturia – needing to urinate several times per night
Painful ejaculations, pain in the groin or pelvis, and pain in the testicles are all common symptoms of prostatitis as well.
What Symptoms Suggest an Acute Prostate Infection?
Prostatitis can be caused by bacterial infection. When this occurs, symptoms that can be seen with any other acute infection can also be experienced.
Symptoms such as fever, chills, malaise (feeling generally ill), and fatigue can occur in this situation.
If the prostate infection lingers (becomes chronic), then intermittent urinary tract infections may occur. Urinary tract infections are generally uncommon in men, and recurrent urinary tract infections in a man should prompt an evaluation for chronic prostatitis or other causes.
What Else Can Result in the Same Symptoms as Prostatitis?
The most common symptoms of prostatitis, as listed above, are not specific to prostatitis. They can also be experienced when other problems of the prostate are present, including prostate cancer or benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) – also known as “enlarged prostate”.
Because the symptoms of prostatitis can be identical to those of prostate cancer, it is essential that you see your doctor if you develop these symptoms - especially if the symptoms persist.
Kumar, Robbins and Cotran: Pathologic Basis of Disease, 7th ed. 2005.

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