Radical Cure Article

Acute bacterial prostatitis is the least common of the four types of prostatitis

Acute bacterial prostatitis is a serious inflammation of the prostate gland. Acute bacterial prostatitis is a rare type of prostatitis and is caused by a potentially life threatening bacterial infection of the prostate gland. The prostate gland is located beneath a mans bladder and produces some of the fluid that makes up a mans semen.

Prostatitis has four types. Acute bacterial prostatitis is the least common of the four types but also the easiest to diagnose and treat effectively. Typical symptoms of acute bacterial prostatitis include severe pain in and around the base of the penis. There is also pain behind the scrotum. Men may also experience fever, hematuria, urgency and frequency. It may also be difficult to pass more than a small amount of urine. There may be a feeling of fullness in the rectum and a frequent urge to defecate. 
If you have the above symptoms, you should go to see the doctor to diagnose it. Making a diagnosis of acute bacterial prostatitis includes taking a medical history, performing diagnostic testing, and completing a physical examination and an exam of the penis and testicles. A person with symptoms of acute bacterial prostatitis or other urinary symptoms also fills out an extensive questionnaire about symptoms.
Though acute bacterial prostatitis is rare, men can suffer it easily. Treatment of acute bacterial prostatitis include antibiotics and herbal medicine. Antibiotics can work in short time but can't be used for long time. Thus, you should choose herbal medicine if you want to eradicate acute bacterial prostatitis.
Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill has been approved to be a good herbal medicine for acute bacterial prostatitis. Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill can make the medication reach to the infected part directly, thus enhance the curative effect.

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