According to the view of physiology, blood circulation can be slowed down by long time sitting, especially the blood circulation of perineum area. Although the sluggish blood circulation can bring congestion to prostate and the perineum, prostatitis commonly occurs on one who has long time sitting.
If one needs to sit frequently and for a long time, due to work or some other reasons, he may have prostatitis, because the prostatic congestion caused by long time sitting can bring blockage to prostate tubes after bringing accumulated metabolite on prostate. Therefore, prostatitis can be generated if extra prostatic fluid cannot flush out.
Among all prostatitis victims, over 60%, reported by some researches done by medical researchers, prostatitis sufferers are drivers and their prostatitis is hard to be uprooted. However, there are some muscle relaxation
treatments for prostatitis recommended by experts.
1. A regular walk
A regular walk can promote the sluggish blood circulation and release the congestion. People who need to sit for a long time is better to take a short walk every hour. Furthermore, the improved blood circulation can also enhance the prostatic fluid metabolism. Therefore, it is better for men to take exercise 3 to 4 times a week for around 30 minutes.
2. Sitz bath and hot compress on perineum
Sitz bath means placing the buttock and the partial thigh into warm water in a basin. Hot compress on perineum means using hot towel or water bag to warm the perineum. These treatments are helpful to improve the blood circulation of the prostate and surrounding parts, which will relax your nervous system, draw out toxins, and relax muscles. Besides, it is convenient and can be done at home. It relieves the pain obviously and is suggested to be done at least three times a day.
3. Prostate massage
Prostate massage means squeezing and stimulating the prostate directly. It shall be done once a week if possible. This muscle relaxation treatment also helps for drainage of the fluid and pus deposited in the prostate, which can relieve the prostatitis pain and accelerates the recovery.
Except for these muscle relaxation treatments, timely and proper medicine treatment is also necessary.
Diuretic and anti-inflammatory pill is an agreeable alternative treatment, for this herbal pill has strong power to promote blood circulation. What’s more, this herbal pill can clear away toxic materials, dissolve stasis and release pain. Furthermore, it is also an efficient drug widely used to treat inflammation in urinary system and reproductive system.