Radical Cure Article

Can Exercise Help Improve Erectile Dysfunction?

Erectile dysfunction occurs when a person cannot erect or remains erectile. This is common among men of all ages, and muscles are important in maintaining erections. Therefore, exercise can help reverse erectile dysfunction (ED).
The causes and risk factors of ED include obesity, cardiovascular disease, metabolic syndrome, prostate cancer, prostatitis, etc. To improve the symptom ED, patients need to put treatment in the first place. Some patients with erectile dysfunction caused by prostatitis can eliminate inflammation by natural medicine Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill, so as to improve symptoms. At the same time, lifestyle changes, including exercise and weight loss, can also effectively treat ED and will have long-term effects. So what kind of sports can help you?
Strengthening pelvic floor muscles can benefit people with ED. Pelvic floor muscles are the key to maintaining blood flow to the penis and maintaining erectile function. Muscles exert pressure on the penile veins to achieve this goal. The pressure prevents blood from leaving the area, making erection possible. 
1. Activation of pelvic floor muscles
First, lie down, bending your knees, put your feet flat on the floor, arms on both sides. Exhale, squeeze pelvic floor muscles, count to three. Then inhale and release three times. Take time to find the right muscle groups - those at the bottom of the pelvis. It can easily accidentally contract with other muscles, especially those in the abdomen, buttocks or legs.
2. Sitting pelvic floor activation
Put your arms on both sides of the body, feet flat on the floor, separated from the width of the buttocks. Using the same technique as above, make your pelvic floor muscles activated and released three times. Make sure that the abdominal, hip, and leg muscles do not contract.
3. Knee exercises
Lie down, and knees bent, feet flat on the floor, arms on both sides. Keep the spine in a neutral position with a small space between the back and the floor. Exhale, squeeze the pelvic floor muscles and slowly lower one knee to the floor. Only keep the pelvic floor muscle active while minimizing it. Keep the pelvis stable. Inhale, release muscles, and bend your knees. Repeat on the other side. Start four to five times on each side, and then accumulate to 10 times.
4. Lying position
This exercise is based on knee drop and mild movements. Exhale, contract pelvic floor muscles, slowly lift one foot off the ground. Keep the pelvis and spine. Inhale and put your feet back on the ground.
5. Pelvic curl
Such exercises are common in Pilates. Lie down, and knees bent, feet flat on the floor, arms on both sides. Keep the spine in a neutral position with a small space between the back and the floor.
Exhale and contract pelvic floor muscles. Tilt the pelvis upwards to the navel and press the back on the floor. Slowly lift your hips and push your heels to the floor. Squeeze the buttocks and raise the buttocks and middle back at the same time. The weight of the body should be on the shoulders. 
Take three breaths and squeeze the buttocks and pelvic floor muscles. Slowly move the buttocks and back, spine, spine, to the floor. Repeat three to four times at first, ten times at a time.
Things to remember when exercising:
At first, one can only do three or four exercises. Strengthen by practicing every day. Ultimately, exercise 10 times a day, each time. If a person stops exercising, his muscles may weaken, and ED may come back.
Other types of exercise can help you:
Aerobic exercise can also benefit the ED patients. According to the authors of the 2018 Systematic Assessment, people who exercise four times a week get the best results. Each exercise should be moderate or intense, and last at least 40 minutes.
Some examples of aerobic exercise include:
Rotation practice
Rope skipping
One should stick to aerobic exercise for at least six months. Exercise is essential for maintaining the health of blood vessels and hearts. In addition, people with cardiovascular disease have an increased risk of ED. Diet and weight loss are also important aspects of ED treatment and prevention. People with ED are more likely to be inactive and overweight. Alcohol also plays a role.
Following dietary guidelines and limiting the intake of alcohol and food supplemented with salt, sugar, and fat will help reduce the risk of ED. These efforts will also reduce a person's risk of stroke, metabolic disease, and cardiovascular disease, all of which are related to ED.

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