Radical Cure Article

Can Ketogenic Diet Treat Prostatitis?

First, you need to know what IS a ketogenic diet. In fact, the so-called ketogenic diet refers to a formula diet with a high proportion of fat, a low proportion of carbohydrates, and a reasonable proportion of protein and other nutrients. Although many people have not heard of the ketogenic diet in real life, in fact, as early as the beginning of the last century, the ketogenic diet has been used in the treatment of childhood epilepsy clinically in foreign countries and achieved remarkable results.
In a ketogenic diet, carbohydrate intake will be greatly reduced. On the contrary, it will be replaced by a lot of fat. Although this seems unreasonable, in fact, when carbohydrate intake in the body is too low, the body will increase the burning efficiency of fat, and ultimately can play the role of fat burning and body shaping.
Inflammation is the source of all diseases, such as heart disease, diabetes, and other chronic diseases. Some autoimmune diseases are related to it. The ketogenic diet is an anti-inflammatory diet because it reduces a large number of inflammatory substances, such as sugar and carbohydrate, and processed foods rich in trans fats. When the body starts burning fat instead of sugar, it goes into a ketogenic state.
When the body is in a ketogenic state, the concentration of the ketone body in the body will rise. These ketones contain beta-hydroxybutyric acid (BHB); it is is a strong anti-inflammatory drug, which inhibits the inflammatory pathway. 
In addition, BHB activates a very important AMPK pathway, which regulates energy balance and helps reduce inflammation by inhibiting inflammation in vivo. BHB also plays a role in pain and inflammation by inhibiting COX-2 enzymes, similar to ibuprofen, a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug.
Nrf2 pathway is the focus of the regulation of inflammation. Ketone bodies can up-regulate the Nrf2 pathway and strong anti-inflammatory cytokines but also down-regulate pro-inflammatory cytokines. When the Nrf2 pathway is at the optimal level, the level of inflammation will decrease, and when the level is low, the inflammation will intensify.
Animal model studies also showed that a ketogenic diet could significantly shorten the time of red, swelling, and fever caused by local inflammation, and reduce the level of arachidonic acid in the circulation. A ketogenic diet can inhibit pathogens, control inflammation, and regulate immunity. 
Therefore, a ketogenic diet can be used as an effective adjuvant therapy for prostatitis patients, but it can effectively cure prostatitis. If patients want to get rid of prostatitis completely, they still need to be treated by standardized methods.
Because of the complex etiology of prostatitis and the special structure of prostate, Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill, a safe and non-side-effect herbal medicine is the best choice for patients with prostatitis. It can effectively kill all kinds of pathogenic bacteria and eliminate inflammation and also has the effect of clearing heat and detoxifying, promoting blood circulation, qi, and relieving pain. 
Not only can it effectively treat prostatitis, but it also can help patients to regulate the whole body and improve immunity, so as to achieve the effect of treating both the symptoms and causes
So, what should you eat in a ketogenic diet?
(1) Breakfast:
In the morning, you can drink a cup of bulletproof coffee, which mainly contains black coffee, salt-free butter, coconut oil and so on, its fat content is very high, the intake of calories can support people until noon, and they will not feel hungry.
(2) Lunch:
At noon, people can eat some mammalian meat with some fat, some pig liver and eggs, etc., it can also play the role of satiety without rice and other staple foods.
(3) Dinner:
It should be based on green leafy vegetables as much as possible so that it can help you intake enough vitamins and avoid the emergence of adverse risks.
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