Not only do Chinese(or Asians) believe in and accept acupuncture for their ailments, but so do Westerners. Now there are more and more people interested in acupuncture treatment. For example, medical research in the United States claims that about 8.2 million Americans have been treated with acupuncture. 2.1 million of them received the treatment last year.
This is a way to reduce pain by inserting a fine needle into a specific acupoint and achieve the goal of treatment. With western medicine and drugs unable to achieve good results, many Americans began to try to get help from acupuncture in traditional Chinese medicine. Although further research is needed, acupuncture has also been shown to be effective for chronic prostatitis.
So, why can acupuncture treat chronic prostatitis?
Acupuncture can keep the body in balance, the cause of the disease is complex, but it can be summed up as the imbalance of Yin and Yang. Acupuncture has the functions of promoting blood circulation and enhancing the resistance and help promote the discharge of excessive body fluid and the metabolism of blood cells, effectively regulate endocrine disorders, and thus improve the absorption of inflammation.
Experiments show that acupuncture has an anti-inflammatory effect, can reduce inflammatory exudate, and reduce vascular permeability. According to a study published in the journal Molecular Neurobiology, acupuncture can reduce the production of pro-inflammatory cells (M1 macrophages) and increase the production of anti-inflammatory cells (M2 macrophages). M2 macrophage is the source of anti-inflammatory material IL-10, which has anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and detumescence effects.
Acupuncture can not only control and reduce the inflammatory necrosis, but also delay or prevent the occurrence of necrosis, accelerate the formation of granulation tissue, and enhance the process of cell regeneration and scarring. Clinical practice and experimental research have proved that acupuncture has an antipyretic effect.
In the treatment of some infectious or inflammatory diseases, due to the improvement of symptoms after acupuncture, body temperature can also return to normal at the same time, since chronic prostatitis patients often have fevers.
According to the research of Boston University School of medicine, acupuncture can activate the activity of pain receptors (that is to say, let the body's pain relief substances exert their pain relief effect) and increase the concentration of adenosine in local neurotransmitter. Adenosine can slow down brain activity and induce sleep. If there is enough adenosine around the pain conducting nerve, the pain will be suppressed.
Modern medicine believes that pain, which is harmful or threatening to the body, is closely related to nerves and neurotransmitters, and acupuncture can activate the endogenous pain modulation system in the central nervous system, so as to play an analgesic role. Therefore, it also has a better relieving effect on prostate pain in patients with prostatitis.
Of course, there are other herbal remedies that can be tried in TCM clinics. Chinese herbal medicine is often combined with acupuncture to enhance the efficacy, such as the common herbal medicine Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill. This means supporting and accelerating the rehabilitation process between acupuncture sessions. In addition to the above effects, herbal medicine can also strengthen the body when the body is weak and sick.
Traditional Chinese medicine therapy has a history of nearly 5000 years, but until recently, Americans began to understand its benefits. Many schools in the United States have started offering acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine courses as standard biology and chemistry courses. It is not only safe but also more cost-effective. Even some Western health plans use it as a prescription.
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