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Vitamins for Infertility Caused by Chronic Prostatitis

According to the health agency, men's sperm is half responsible for infertility. Male infertility is usually associated with insufficient or inactive sperm. When chronic prostatitis occurs, the decrease of seminal plasma secretion is not conducive to the survival and activity of sperm; on the other hand, the amount of seminal plasma sometimes increases, which reduces sperm density, dilutes sperm, and affects fertility.
The following vitamins, as well as amino acids and minerals, are good for sperm health.
Vitamin B12
B12 deficiency is common in men and can affect physical health and sperm motility. Studies have shown that men who supplement zinc and vitamin B at the same time have a 74% increase in the number of healthy sperm they produce, although most of them are still unsuccessful in getting their partners pregnant.
Vitamin E
This is an important antioxidant, which is very important to eliminate toxins and resist free radicals in the body. They are also good for sperm health. Vitamin E can regulate gonad and prolong sperm life. Vitamin E can improve blood circulation, improve the motility of capillaries, especially in the genital area, improve sexual desire, and increase sperm production.
The foods rich in vitamin E include sesame, walnut, lean meat, milk, eggs, peanuts, lettuce, etc. in addition, soybean, peanut, walnut, melon seeds, animal liver, yolk, cream, corn and yellow, green vegetables are rich in vitamin E.
Folic acid
According to researchers at the University of California, regular intake of folic acid can help reduce sperm deformity.
Increasing this essential fatty acid helps to improve sperm mobility. Flaxseed, fish, walnuts, and beans are good sources of omega-3 fatty acids.
Amino acid
L-carnitine and arginine are both amino acids that help produce healthy sperm. L-carnitine is particularly important for the healthy development and maturation of the sperm membrane.

Selenium and zinc are also two important minerals for sperm health. They focus on male reproductive organs. Zinc deficiency not only damages sperm mobility and concentration but also affects other aspects of reproductive health, such as chronic prostatitis.
A six-month clinical trial involving 120 participants with an average age of 66 found that 4 grams of carnitine a day promoted sexual function. Two other studies also found that carnitine can enhance the efficacy of Viagra. Carnitine has also shown promise in the treatment of male infertility.
Vitamin A
The main function of vitamin A is to promote protein synthesis. Vitamin A deficiency can affect the production of spermatocytes in testis, the degeneration of vas deferens epithelium, the decrease of testis weight, the decrease of seminal vesicle and the keratinization of the prostate. Vitamin A only exists in the tissues of animals, but more in the yolk, milk, cream, cod liver oil, and liver of animals.
Vitamin C
The function of vitamin C is to reduce the agglutination of sperm, which is beneficial to semen liquefaction. The genetic DNA in sperm cells is protected by the antioxidant function of vitamin C. if the genetic gene is destroyed, the fertilization ability of sperm will be weakened and infertility will occur. Fresh vegetables such as green vegetables, leeks, spinach, pepper, etc., fresh fruits such as orange, red dates, hawthorn, kiwifruit, etc. contain more C.
The above vitamins do have a good auxiliary treatment effect for infertility caused by chronic prostatitis. In addition to diet, medication is also necessary. The traditional Chinese natural medicine Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill can not only effectively treat chronic prostatitis, but also because it deprives of nature which was homology of medicine and food, it can be taken without worrying about any side effects or drug resistance.

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