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The uncomfortable symptoms caused by bacterial prostatitis

Bacterial prostatitis is an infection of the prostate that is often caused by some of the same bacteria that cause bladder infections. These include E. coli, Klebsiella, and Proteus. While it may be acquired as a sexually transmitted disease, the infection can also spread to the prostate through the blood stream, directly from an adjacent organ, or as a complication of prostate biopsy.

Patients with bacterial prostatitis present with signs of an infection and may have:
Flu-like Symptoms
General flu-like symptoms, such as fever, body aches or malaise, can arise due to an infection within a man's prostate, explains Patient UK. These flu-like symptoms can be uncomfortable and can contribute to headache, sweating or chills. Men who develop flu-like symptoms for any reason should be evaluated by a doctor as soon as possible.
Urgent or Painful Urination
The prostate gland wraps around the thin tube that carries urine out of a man's body, called the urethra. If the prostate gland is inflamed due to infection, the urethra may narrow. As a result, men with an infected prostate can experience difficulty urinating as a symptom of this condition. Inflammation within the prostate gland can also extend to the bladder, which can cause symptoms of frequent or urgent urination, report health professionals with FamilyDoctor.org. Certain men with this type of infection can also develop sensations of pain or burning during urination. Bladder irritation caused by a prostate infection can cause small amounts of blood to appear within a man's urine. These uncomfortable symptoms of an infected prostate can also be signs of alternate medical problems, such as a urinary tract infection. Affected men should seek prompt treatment from a medical professional.
Prostate Pain
Bacteria within the prostate can cause inflammation and irritation of this gland. If this occurs, men with an infected prostate can experience mild to severe sensations of pain within the prostate gland, explains Patient UK. Symptoms of pain can radiate from the prostate gland into the penis, anus, lower back or testicles. Pressure placed on the prostate gland during a bowel movement can exacerbate prostate pain symptoms in men with this type of infection. Without treatment, symptoms of pain due to an infected prostate can become progressively worse.
Penile Discharge
Men with a prostate infection can develop unusual penile discharge as a symptom, warns Patient UK. A man may notice thick, discolored fluid around the head of the penis. Discharge from the penis can irritate the skin at the tip of the penis, which can contribute to sensations of burning or pain during urination.
A male patient who develops symptoms of an infected prostate should seek care from a doctor to prevent further medical complications.

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