Radical Cure Article

Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill Cures Mycoplasma Prostatitis

Mycoplasma, as a common pathogen which can infect male genital system, direct affect the sperm and can cause infertility.

Mycoplasma hominis or ureaplasma urealyticum infection can cause prostatitis. Meanwhile, mycoplasma can attach on the sperm cell and reduce its activity. It destroys large amount of sperm cells. It can also pass tubes in the gland and infect the testis. The quality and quantity of sperm can both be influenced.

Mycoplasma hominis infection and ureaplasma urealyticum infection are very tough diseases. Mycopalsma is a microorganism which can develop resistance to antibiotics. This is the reason why antibiotics can hardly completely cure mycoplasma infection. Unluckily, the most popular treatment for mycoplasma is still to use antibiotics. As a result, large amount of mycoplasma sufferers are still living with this condition.

Actually, for those whose infection can not be cured for long, TCM treatment is their best choice. Traditional Chinese medicine Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill is proved a effective treatment for mycoplasma hominis and ureaplasma urealyticum infections. This medicine can reduce and dull symptoms in one month, can completely kill the pathogens in three months.

To sum up, for tough mycplasma infection, prompt and appropriate treatment is necessary. It is better to choice tcm treatment than antibiotics. Otherwise the condition would spread and result in infertility.

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