Radical Cure Article

Definition of Yin and Yang

Yin and Yang are a pair of vague categories in Chinese ancient philosophy. They are a summarize of matters and things which are connecting and opposing with each other. "Taoism, is a term of Yin-Yang principle. Yin and Yang device things into two parts.

Yin and Yang can not only refer to two opposite things, phenomenons, properties, such as the sun and the moon, the earth and the sky, fire and water, but also refers to two contrary aspects of one matter, e.g. heat and cold, up and down, light and dark. Generally, all the moving, outer, rising, hot, bright, intangible and exciting things belongs to Yang; on the contrary, still, inner, descending, cold, dark, tangible, suppressive thing are parts of Yin. After long-term observing, ancient doctors and specialists have found that the nature of fire and water represent their characters well. Water is always cold, dark and downward, which are all Yin; while fire is hot, bright and upward, which are all Yang. So"Water and fire is a sign of Yin and Yang."

In the field of medicine, in human bodies, hollow, outward, diffuse, promoting, warm, upward things and actions are of Yang; and solid, inner, gathering, moistening, restraining, downward things are of Yin. When Yin and Yang is not balanced in our bodies, it indicates weakness of organs or even the occurrence diseases.

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