Can untreated chronic prostatitis develop to prostate cancer?

I have chronic prostatits for many years. I wonder whether it would develop to prostate cancer? Pls reply.

1 answers - 2012-03-23

There is no specific evidence that having recurrent or chronic prostatitis-an inflammation of the prostate gland-directly leads to prostate cancer. But prostate cancer may be found more often in men with prostatitis. Cells in an inflamed prostate sometimes show changes suggestive of a precancerous state. However, it isn't clear that the prostatitis causes these cellular changes.                                    
Released in 2012-03-23 10:51:59
There is no specific evidence that having recurrent or chronic prostatitis-an inflammation of the prostate gland-directly leads to prostate cancer. But prostate cancer may be found more often in men with prostatitis. Cells in an inflamed prostate sometimes show changes suggestive of a precancerous state. However, it isn't clear that the prostatitis causes these cellular changes.                                    
Released in 2012-03-23 10:52:24