chlamydia infection in the prostate?
I have a chlamydia infection in the prostate. No effective meds till now. Can your pills do this?
1 answers - 2011-01-12
Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill can effectively work on chlamydia infection in your prostate without any side effects. It will do no harm to your body even you take them for a long time. I think you might be treated with antibiotics. Actually Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill can work on chlamydia and mycoplasma infection, which can also kill bacteria, virus and pathogen just like antibiotics. It is a traditional Chinese medicine with about 50 kinds of elements in its recipe. It can do the same and more than antibitoics. While kill chlamydia, Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill can also clear away heat and toxic material, promote blood circulation and dissolve stasis, promote Qi and release pain, tonify spleen and kidney. It kills bacteria and chlamydia and treats the lesion at the same time. After taking the pills for 3 months, you would find your chlamydia test negative. You may order the medicine online and we will send the pills to you.Released in 2011-01-12 14:15:11
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