I cannot have a normal urinate
I cannot have a normal urinate since I was diagnosed with prostatitis two years ago. And now I have burning feeling while I pee. Can your pills cure me?
1 answers - 2011-01-24
Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill cures prostatitis in three months. Improvement can be seen after taking the pills for one months. As a traditional Chinese medicine, it cures prostatitis without any side effect. With 50 kinds of elements in its recipe, it promote blood circulation and dissolve stasis, clear away heat and toxic material, promote Qi and release pain, treat fibrosis and hyperplasia. By those means, Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill cures prostatitis while releasing your symptoms. After three months treatment, your disease will be radically cured, and all your tests of prostatitis will be with normal results.Released in 2011-01-24 13:42:53
where can I purcahse the medicine?
how long I need to take the pills
How much is a complete treatment for prostatitis?
What food to eat and to avoid?