What is your med to cure chronic prostatitis ?

I was diagnosed with a chronic bacterial prostatitis, what is your med to cure it? How long will it take to cure me?

1 answers - 2011-01-27

I cure chronic bacterial prostatitis with my patented medicine Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill.
It is a kind of traditional Chinese medicine made from almost 50 kinds of elements and each of them have their unique function in curing prostatitis. Some of them can promote blood circulation and dissolve stasis, some can promote Qi and stop pain, some can kill bacteria, virus, mycoplasma and chlamydia, and some can clear away heat and dampness. They all aiming at eliminating your symptoms of prostatitis to cure it.
The herbs in its recipe are as safe as food, so there would be no side effect, allergy or any drug resistance. If you take it for a months, you can feel your symtoms release, and your test of prostatitis would all be normal after taking the pills for three months.                                    
Released in 2011-01-27 16:41:16