Could I make my girlfriend pregnant after marriage with prostatitis?

I am dating a girl for quite some time now and we have been thinking of getting married soon. She does trust me a lot and I am happy to get married with her. However I am worried as recent diagnoses showed me as prostatitis . Could I make my girlfriend pregnant after marriage with this illness?

1 answers - 2010-09-25

It is hard to say. But I think you had better treat your illness first, because prostatitis can cause male infertility. 

If you want to treat your illness, I would like to help you out. Please contact me at any time. 
Good luck

Contact Dr. Lee:
Email: wuhandrlee@hotmail.com
MSN: wuhandrlee@hotmail.com
Yahoo: herbalistlee@yahoo.com                                    
Released in 2010-09-27 12:17:59