I have some questions on chlamydia
Is there a chance for antibitoics to cure it? How long will your herbal remedy to get a permanent cure? What else do I need to notice?
1 answers - 2011-09-22
There is a chance for antibiotics to cure it. However, it is also the fact that antibiotics not always help. Chlamydia infection sometimes reflect no smyptoms on male, however, once it causes any other infection or it infect other organ, sometimes there would be some symptoms.You can get it cured by taking Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill. It is a kind of traditional Chinese medicine which can cure chlamydia infection effectively. It can kill bacteria, virus, pathogen, mycoplasma and chlamydia in about three months. It is not a kind of antibiotics so you don't need to worry about drug resistance.It can keep working on you till you got cured. All you need to do is to take the pills and keep a good diet.Released in 2011-09-23 16:04:26
where can I purcahse the medicine?
how long I need to take the pills
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