Shoud I remove the prostate gland if I want get a cure?

I have chronic prostatitis for many years but didn;t get cured. I wonder if i remove the prostate gland, then I will be cured.

1 answers - 2012-09-06

Thanks for your question. We don't encourage surgery since surgery causes damage. I suggest you to take our natural medicine Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill to get a cure. It is very effective to heal prostate without side effects. It works to eliminate inflammation, wipe out bacteria, clear heat, remove toxins and promote blood circulation etc. Your pain will go away and urination frequency will resume to normal after the treatment. Besides, it repairs the damaged tissues and restore the reproductive system, so your sexuality will return to normal. In the meantime, it improves your immunity and self-healing ability, and builds up a defense to prevent the disease from reocurring again. Best Regards                                    
Released in 2019-08-28 14:44:32