I have been infected with mycoplasma

I have been infected with mycoplasma. Local doctors says they have no pills to guarantee a cure of it. What about your Chinese herbs?

1 answers - 2010-12-20

Male mycoplasma and chlamydia infection is characterized by urinary tract infection. The symptoms from urinary tract infection are burning on urination, urgency of urination, frequency of urination, dysuria, chaude-pisse, mild redness and swelling of meatus urinarius, thin and less urethral discharge, serous or purulent, force is needed to squeeze the urethra to secrete, small amount of mucous secretion or crust are found around the meatus urinarius in the early morning.
Treating male mycoplasma infection with Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill is very effective. As a traditional Chinese medicine with almost 50 kinds of elements in its recipe, it can kill bacteria, virus, mycoplasma and chlamydia. After taking the pills for three month, your mycoplasma test result would be negative.And you would feel a improvement within only one month.                                    
Released in 2010-12-20 15:26:00