Can a good nutrition cure the problem of infertility?

Can a good nutrition cure the problem of infertility? I am not able to bear a child and I do not know that where the problem actually is. I mean that is there any problem with my wife or me.

1 answers - 2010-09-15

A good diet can help in reducing the chances for infertility. Balance of all tastes is important in having a better health and it also helps in a better condition to avoid infertility. But the change in lifestyle and diet will help in reducing the chances for infertility but it is difficult to treat those conditions and people, who have been diagnosed for infertility. 

I have other tips for you to prevent the problem of infertility. 

1. Have safe sex: Some sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) such as chlamydia and gonorrhea can cause scarring and block the sperm passage. Men should practice “safe sex” by staying in a monogamous relationship, wearing condoms or practicing abstinence.

2. Avoid drugs and alcohol: Smoking marijuana or using any recreational drug or alcohol has an effect on sperm count and motility and is linked to male infertility. Stopping drug and heavy alcohol use is important in preventing infertility.

3. Be aware of everyday exposure: Has your partner asked you how to prevent infertility in men? If so, here’s how: Suggest that he avoid exposure to certain environmental toxins. That’s because exposure to pesticides and other chemicals may cause female hormone-like effects in men, which can decrease sperm count. Lead-based paints, mercury, boron, or other poisonous substances may also decrease sperm production.

Contact Dr. Lee:
Email: wuhandrlee@hotmail.com
MSN: wuhandrlee@hotmail.com
Yahoo: herbalistlee@yahoo.com                                    
Released in 2010-09-16 09:12:23