How do I know it's a prostatitis or urethritis?
I can feel the pain and burning when I urinate, sometimes there's sharp pain in the penis. In recent days I cannot hold back urine for longer than 15 mins.
1 answers - 2011-09-21
What you're experiencing are either prostatitis symptoms or urethritis symptoms. Your condition cannot be diagnosed only according to these conditions. You need a specific in local hospital to diagnose it. Prostatitis symptoms vary depending on the type of prostatitis you have. In general, the symptoms are related to pain or discomfort in the pelvic region, problems with urination and problems with ejaculations. Signs and symptoms may include: Difficulty urinating, such as dribbling or hesitant urination Frequent urination, particularly at night (nocturia) Urgent need to urinate Pain in the abdomen, groin or lower back Pain in the area between the penis and rectum (perineum) Pain or discomfort of the penis or testicles Painful ejaculations To cure prostatitis, you can take Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill.Released in 2011-09-22 10:39:25
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