This is a swelling testis
Can it be cured? I've been diagnosed with orchitis. I suffer from this pain for long
1 answers - 2011-09-24
Symptoms of orchitis are similar to those of testicular torsion. These can include: ejaculation of blood hematuria (blood in the urine) severe pain visible swelling of a testicle or testicles and often the inguinal lymph nodes on the affected side. It can be cured by my patented herbal medicine Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill. It is a kind of traditional Chinese medicine made from almost 50 kinds of elements and each of them have their unique function in curing genital system and urinary system disesases. Some of them can promote blood circulation and dissolve stasis, some can promote Qi and stop pain, some can kill bacteria, virus, mycoplasma and chlamydia, and some can clear away heat and dampness. They all aiming at eliminating your symptoms to cure it.Released in 2011-09-26 16:11:04
where can I purcahse the medicine?
how long I need to take the pills
How much is a complete treatment for prostatitis?
What food to eat and to avoid?