I think i might have got a seminal vesiculitis
I see blood in my semen, have pain in lower abdomen, burning urination. I think they are seminal vesiculitis symptoms. How do I get your medicine?
1 answers - 2011-10-19
The clinical course seminal vesiculitis can be divided into acute and chronic. Heaviness and pain in the rectum seminal vesiculitis, aggravated by the act of urination and defecation to tenesmus, increased frequency of emission, sometimes with a purulent and bloody content. There are general weakness, fever up to 39.9 and above. seminal vesiculitis diagnosis in these cases did not present any difficulties. History, increase the tension a bit crowded seminal vesicle, pain at pressure on him - this is the most specific objective evidence of an acute process. The secret, obtained a massage, characterized by a large number of white blood cells, disintegration of amorphous, epithelium, blood or crystals hematoidin, as well as the presence of deformed sperm immobile. Acute seminal vesiculitis usually occurs rapidly within 5-7 days and resolves or reverse the development or becomes chronic or the formation of empyema. In the latter cases, the abscess may break through the urethra, which is the most favorable outcome, at least - into the surrounding tissue, then into a vial of the colon, bladder, abdominal cavity. An enormous number of vasculitis symptoms are possible because any organ system may be involved. If the skin is involved, there may be a rash. If nerves suffer loss of blood supply, there may initially be an abnormal sensation followed by a loss of sensation or muscle weakness. Vasculitis in the brain may cause a stroke, or in the heart, may result in a heart attack. Inflammation in the kidney could result in abnormalities noted on urine tests and can lead to progressive kidney failure. Sometimes the symptoms may be as general as fever, loss of appetite, weight loss, and loss of energy. If you suffer any unusual symptoms, see your doctor.Released in 2011-10-20 14:37:28
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