The risk of kidney failure among those who suffer from depression is higher than among those who are not depressed, according to a new report published in the Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology.
More than 5,750 people were included in the 10-year long study led by Dr Willem Kop of the University of Tilburg, Netherlands. All of the participants were over 65 years of age and not on kidney dialysis.
The researchers found that those who were suffering from depression had a higher prevalence of chronic kidney disease (CKD) and was 20 percent more common among such volunteers compared to those who had no history of depression.
"People with elevated depressive symptoms have a higher risk of subsequent adverse kidney disease outcomes. This is partially explained by other medical factors related to depression and kidney disease. But the association with depression was stronger in patients who were otherwise healthy compared to those who had co-existing medical disorders such as diabetes or heart disease”, the researchers said.