Diagnoses of chronic prostatitis are rich in variety. Some symptoms, for instance, lumbago, is always confused with orthopaedic diseases. And other symptoms like discomfort in groin and testicle are usually mixed up with lesions in the scrotum. So, how is chronic prostatitis diagnosed? How is chronic prostatitis differentiated between other likely confusing disease?
First of all, history of the disease should be known. As a matter of fact, most of chronic prostatitis patients had the history of urinary tract infection. And symptoms, such as frequent urine, pain when urinating are not new to them. It is reported that symptoms of chronic prostatitis has ever been wrongly diagnosed with symptoms of orthopaedics or anorectal diseases.
Then, inquiring about symptoms is necessary. Though a apart of the chronic prostatitis patients are with some symptom or totally with no symptom, most of them own two or more. In this case, two or more symptoms can be called chronic prostatitis symptom complex. Patients who refelect this symptom complex should take note of tests. Even though once the patient is tested negative, that doesn't mean he is out of this disease. Rectal touch is required, that is to say, the doctor dips his finger into the anus to check. If air spots, local pain and coarse texture are found, and more than 15 leucocytes are found in prostate fluid that the doctor massaged, it can be a tentative diagnosis for prostatitis. In addition, two main points are emphasized:
General practitione will not do digital examination of rectum for patients, but only to diagnose the illness as chronic prostatitis by subjective symptoms. This is much harmful. For it does not only bring troubles or waste money from long-time taking pills, but also add mental agony and side-effect to them.
In fact, a microscopical examination can not be the mere way to determine whether you have chronic prostatitis or not. That is because this disease is changeable, sometimes it is slight, while sometimes it becomes severer. Plus, sample that delivered to tested is not always just the fluid of the secretion of the lesion. Therefore, when symptom complex occurs, patients had better go to the urology specialist. If patients can not make sure that if the result of examination of prostatic secretion is correct. Take another one or two times. Beside, selecting the time that when the condition which is more serious is better for diagnosis.
Moreover, prostate bacterial culture is a must, it can be better if tests of urine and prostate fluid are taken separately. Pathogen growth means a lot to the diagnosis. Meanwhile, bacterial identification test is applied to choose antibiotic. If it necessary, urography, urinary tract endoscopy, ultrasound B, determination of zinc content and serumantibody test can all be done to help diagnosis of chronic prostatitis or induction factors of chronic prostatitis, like obstruction and stones.
In short, if there is no urinary tract infection and constitutional symptom; but with symptoms of chronic prostatitis; more than 15 leucocytes are found in prostate fluid; pathogens grow in prostate drip culture, it can be diagnosed as chronic prostatitis. While if patients comply with all above features but without symptoms, they are recessive prostatitis patients.